The Who Makes Sense? Store features unique and sometimes one-of-a-kind items. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to contact me to indicate your interest in a particular item and its availability, and if you have any questions. Some of the items are oversized, so the proper method of shipping and handling for any of the items will be agreed upon before your order is completed. I will contact you to confirm the item you are interested in, its availability, as well as the shipping options. Once agreed, your Credit Card will be obtained and your order shipped. If a Discontinued Fragrance or a Vintage Fragrance is purchased and the item contains alcohol, the item cannot be shipped by air, and will be shipped by UPS Ground Track or USPS Standard Post. (None of the Vinci & Rakos products contain alcohol, however, most of the fragrance products on the market today do contain alcohol.) Remember, please contact me with any questions. Have fun browsing, Dolores